MAKE - A platform that pays for engaging with viral media
Dear reader, Just as my usual practice of bringing valuable and profitable information across your way, let me quickly give you information about this great innovation known as “MAKE”. Please sit down and relax your nerves as you read. Also, I encourage you not only to read but also to take an important step as part of this great innovation.
On each media platform, users create the content, the traffic, and the revenue. Users not only make the media but rank and sort it using likes and tags. They also remove offensive posts as they see fit. Despite being the product itself, users have very little power in any media platform — they receive meagre revenue share if any.
This is where MAKETM steps in. We want to improve the way that people communicate by incentivizing the creation of high quality, viral media using our revenues and then make it accessible as a means of expression in any app, website, or device. We’ve taken all of the factors that make content sharing great and combined them:
High Quality, User-Ranked Media. Finding the right gif or meme to share is like finding the right word to say — there’s one that fits much better than the rest. To ensure that all of our content is of the highest quality, we reward creators of viral media and moderators of our content in tokens so that they continue to improve our database. The better they perform, the more they earn. We also track content ownership so that there can be no unoriginal or duplicate content.
An Easy Way to Save and Share. Right now, finding and sharing content are two different processes. Using a different content plugin in every app is akin to having to learn a new language every time you travel. MAKETM is creating plugins that work in any app which provide instant access to all of the content in our database including the content you’ve already browsed, organized, and saved to your account. Now you don’t have to weed through countless reaction gifs to find the one you like or go back to another app to share content with a friend. Browse now, share later.
A Non-Invasive Advertising Platform. Over 95% of online adults follow a brand on social media and of those, 71% are likely to recommend the brand to others. People like to support the brands that create good products for them — advertising doesn’t need to be misplaced or invasive. On the Make platform, we’re building a better relationship between brands, consumers, and content creators. When content creators bring in consumers with their viral media, brands that cater to their audience will post their ads. Any user can use their MAKE Tokens to purchase ad-space on the platform. Most of the cost of ad placements will be paid right back to the top-performing content creators as a form of decentralized endorsement. Also, just like other posts on the platform, users can decide if ads are misplaced or should be removed.
A Content Portal That Interfaces Everywhere. The world is changing fast. New technology platforms with massive potential are being introduced more and more frequently. VR, AR, interactive video game platforms, live streaming platforms, IOT billboards, holograms, and ShiftWear Apparel have emerged and are gaining incredible momentum. All of these new mediums will be available to our users providing infinite opportunities for new media.
An Easy Way to Save and Share. Right now, finding and sharing content are two different processes. Using a different content plugin in every app is akin to having to learn a new language every time you travel. MAKETM is creating plugins that work in any app which provide instant access to all of the content in our database including the content you’ve already browsed, organized, and saved to your account. Now you don’t have to weed through countless reaction gifs to find the one you like or go back to another app to share content with a friend. Browse now, share later.
A Non-Invasive Advertising Platform. Over 95% of online adults follow a brand on social media and of those, 71% are likely to recommend the brand to others. People like to support the brands that create good products for them — advertising doesn’t need to be misplaced or invasive. On the Make platform, we’re building a better relationship between brands, consumers, and content creators. When content creators bring in consumers with their viral media, brands that cater to their audience will post their ads. Any user can use their MAKE Tokens to purchase ad-space on the platform. Most of the cost of ad placements will be paid right back to the top-performing content creators as a form of decentralized endorsement. Also, just like other posts on the platform, users can decide if ads are misplaced or should be removed.
A Content Portal That Interfaces Everywhere. The world is changing fast. New technology platforms with massive potential are being introduced more and more frequently. VR, AR, interactive video game platforms, live streaming platforms, IOT billboards, holograms, and ShiftWear Apparel have emerged and are gaining incredible momentum. All of these new mediums will be available to our users providing infinite opportunities for new media.
Nearly 3 billion people use social media on a daily basis, almost half the world’s population. Despite such widespread usage, there are persistent problems that exploit people and provide poor user experiences.
Greedy Platforms
Media platforms are nothing without their users. These people create value with what they make — their content generates web traffic which, in turn, brings revenue. Users are rarely compensated in any way for their producing, marketing and user-building services. Instagram made over $4.5B in 2017 by targeting and serving ads to their users who were only there to enjoy content created by other users. None of that ad revenue went to these users, or influencers, who bring traffic.
For most social media influencers, income is generated by leveraging a following to endorse products for third-party brands (not the platform itself) or through donations from consumers who wish to support the creators. Users of these applications are very rarely given any portion of app revenues (advertisement revenues, fees, and sponsored content) and when they are, the reward is extremely disproportionate to the amount of work done. The best share of ad revenue generated purely by one user’s content is offered by YouTube and it’s only 55% at best. It can even fall lower depending on location, web traffic and ad placement
Also, the current method of receiving donations from fans is very difficult — both users and content creators need to sign up for third-party applications where they can support each other. There’s currently no way to exchange donation or payment in any mainstream social media app.
Ultimately, current social media platforms are designed to exploit their users for money. Social media users do not receive the rewards they deserve.
Content Sharing: A Waste of Time
Good content is hard to find. Content databases tend to be polluted by reposts, copyrighted material, poorly categorized and ranked posts, invasive advertisements, and content artificially manipulated by bots. There’s often no option to reorganize content besides “flagging” and no way to remove duplicate content no matter how many users have posted it before. Low quality content databases mean more time spent trying to find the right media content to share
Also, discovering and sharing media are two distinct and separate processes. Imagine you’re browsing a content feed and see a meme you think makes a funny statement. You’d like to share it at some point when it has relevance in conversation. Your options currently are: share immediately from the feed to a limited selection of supported apps, screenshot then send as an image later, or return to the feed to find it again when you’d like to send it. There is no way to organize the media you like so that it’s easy to access anytime from anywhere.
Content sharing trends reveal that use of emojis, gifs, stickers, short videos and pictures is becoming a new method of communication. However, the current landscape of content platforms makes it impossible for users to build collections of media that can be used across all applications. Each time someone uses a new messaging or social media app, they need to choose from new collections of media, emojis, stickers, etc. Overall, the current process of content sharing is time consuming, awkward, and impersonal.
Content sharing trends reveal that use of emojis, gifs, stickers, short videos and pictures is becoming a new method of communication. However, the current landscape of content platforms makes it impossible for users to build collections of media that can be used across all applications. Each time someone uses a new messaging or social media app, they need to choose from new collections of media, emojis, stickers, etc. Overall, the current process of content sharing is time consuming, awkward, and impersonal.
MAKETM : A Decentralized Media Hub
MAKETM is a media hub accessible from any app that lets users earn tokens for creating and sharing digital content. It accepts only high quality popular media which is made easy to discover, save, and share. Blockchain technology enables MAKETM to track content ownership, allows users to buy and sell media content, and prevents duplicate posts. Our database is user moderated, so all media gets sorted and ranked by consensus and reposts get removed. The best content is always easy to find. With MAKETM , it’s dead simple to use all of our content on any other platform — not just social apps, but on emerging tech platforms starting with ShiftWear Apparel.
The MAKETM App lets users browse, save, and share viral media like they’re used to doing. It also provides an intuitive interface to catalog the things they like. Our cross-platform plugins then let them access their favorite content and share it seamlessly from within any app, comment section, or website. The database is also searchable from any app so users are never limited in what media they can use to express themselves. To help keep our content pool clean, we pay our users in tokens to curate. They do more than just “flag” posts — users can suggest new tags, explain why they find something inappropriate, or provide links to prove that posts are copied. With enough support from other users, content is reorganized or removed and curators are rewarded.
Well-sorted content translates to strong subcommunities and specific user demographics. We leverage this to help brands deliver effective, targeted ads that aren’t invasive or misplaced. Anyone can advertise on the network. Tokens can be exchanged for incredible promotional opportunities like paid ranking boosts, banner ads, and creation contests.
Smart contracts allow for content creators to be paid directly by brands. Ad revenue is paid to the top content creators in subdomains where the ads are posted. No longer will creators and influencers go unrewarded. MAKETM lets users easily pay each other. Direct donations, contests, balance transfers, and content sales can all be done quickly and securely on our platform.
The near future is full of tech that requires high quality content, moderation, an asset marketplace, payment system, accessibility, and an advertising portal. On the horizon: customizable clothing and wearables, AR, VR, interactive video games that incorporate customization and advertisements, IOT digital billboards, and live-streaming platforms are all growing exponentially and seeking standards. MAKETM will serve as a content ready platform for the reinvention of content deployment and advertising.
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Author: yanspiki53
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