Micro-PC Powered by Linux with Built-in CryptoStorage
Every day a huge number of people join the Internet. Someone joins to communicate, someone to work, and someone decided to move their offline business online and make it more mobile and accessible to the masses. The Internet gives us incredible ease and a unique opportunity to interact with each other from a distance of thousands of kilometers. We can share information, and to buy through the Internet a variety of goods, get advice, and share services. Even our finances have become an integral part of the Internet. Problems But do we think about how secure our data and finances are on the Internet? And as practice shows, they are very vulnerable there. And in connection with the popularization of crypto-currencies, hacker attacks have become many times more, since this direction is associated with very large money and they all want to profit from them by performing unscrupulous actions. The statistics of such thefts are shocking. You just think that for the first half of 2018,...